So, onto the Unknown.
I have been on my Sabbatical and got my first paycheck reflecting just that! Man, did that one hurt. Every month, God shows how He's faithful when I start doubting and don't know what He's going to throw at us next. But His plans are always good.
Right now, we're waiting on His next big solution to a BIG problem. Having faith is easy to say but hard to do. When we don't know what God's solution will be, Ouch. It's easy to have faith in the after-fact. But right now, when we're living in the Unknown, and only God knows where the story comes to a conclusion, things are hard and questions are pondered. But in the end, Theo and I both know that God is in control. And the best thing is, when I start to doubt, I can feel the Holy Spirit remind me that God has NEVER failed me.
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