Wow. The theme of this week has been that I must take care of myself wholistically so I can function as a counselor. One of the girls in my cohort had a client she reported on that was tough on her emotionally. Then, Wednesday I had a girl come in and our session was tough on ME emotionally. Which made me realize that I can't do a job where girls come to me with issues as important as sexual abuse unless I'm taking care of me. I literally cried most of the way home because it is so tough to hear.

So, I need to revisit my wellness plan I had to make 2 years ago at the beginning of my Master's program. I picked out the most important aspects to help me with the demanding emotional aspect of my job.
1. I will begin working out again, at least 3 days a week.
2. I will read at least one chapter of a book that is designated for RELAXING, RECREATIONAL reading each night before bed.
3. I will wake up on time so I can read my bible and pray for at least 30 minutes each morning.
What will you do to incorporate wholistic wellness into your life?